Alt Summit Salt Lake City

This time next week I'll be attending the AltSummit in Salt Lake City.  I am beyond excited to be attending it's really about getting back to basics (just needs salt) and building from there.  First off, I missed the initial registration day and it sold out, second I won a ticket to attend, and third I REALLY WANTED TO GO!! Oh and the bonus is I won a free counter top makeover and sink for my kitchen from Wilson Art, more about that later.

I am attending with 3 lovely ladies (Deborah, Felicia and Britney) my fellow bloggers and moms.
The classes  range from earning revenue on your blog, personal branding, being a contributor to other blogs, to finding your voice. Yes please, to all of them. Some amazing bloggers will be attending from all over the country in addition to the sponsors and special guest, Jessica Alba.  Can you tell I'm excited.  Hopefully I'll have much to share from all my learning's and who knows this site might be due for another amazing makeover.

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